I admitted something to James last night that I have never told anyone before. There was no reason for me keeping this a secret except for not wanting to sound weird. . . but everyone is a little weird, right?
So here it is:
I LOVE Lucky Charms cereal. We don't get it a lot because I pretty much eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until the box is empty. We had coupons last week so I got to get two boxes at one time. Mmmmm. When I was younger I would only eat the delicious little marshmallows (I'm sure most people can say the same and I'm sure my siblings LOVED me for that). Now that I'm older and much more mature I just eat everything else and save the marshmallows for last. I'm not that weird, right?
If only that were my secret.
When I have a bowl of milk with only marshmallows left I can't just eat them like I eat all other cereal. I like/have to eat THREE marshmallows at a time and they all have to be different (one horseshoe, one pot of gold, one rainbow) OR they all have to be the same (three clovers). I don't know when this started or why I insist on doing it but I have to. There are exceptions, of course. Like at the very end if I have four left, I'll eat the four all together if they are all different. If they aren't I'll separate the ones that are the same and eat two at a time. Or if there are three left, I'll eat two and one. Does it make sense?
After I told him my secret he said to me "Recognition is the first step to recovery."
So here I am, admitting to you all that I have a problem. Hi, my name is Patrice and I eat my Lucky Charms marshmallows weird.
This is where you say "Hi Patrice" and tell me about your weirdness. Don't worry, this is a safe space. No one will judge (I hope).