Trying to get into Gameday was a fiasco. Thousands of people were in line to get in and get a spot where they could get on TV. Finally we got to the gate, but were turned away because I was wearing my helmet. Evidently, BYU Police were afraid I would become enraged if Corso put on that cursed Horned Frog Mascot head, and subsequently try to launch my helmet and knock Corso out with a double round-house helmet to the face. Really? I mean I told them I would expect that kind of thing from Patrice, but certainly not from me!
Well the helmet and I were not to be separated (we had made a binding contract, sealed in blood, the day I made it) so we tried to find a spot where the signs could still get on TV. The Fuzz was on to me though--they knew a disgruntled special needs child like myself would try and do something stupid. Then they saw the sign. But I wasn't even holding it. There, above the crowd, held by dear, innocent, sweet Patrice, read the words: "Gary Patterson wears a Snuggie!" Yes, that's right, we were accusing TCU's head coach of atrocious behavior. Mothers wept and turned away, shielding their babies eyes from the offensive words. Fathers cried out in horror at such a disgusting display of disgustingness. Somewhere, high in the administrative offices of BYU, President Samuelson sighed, shook his head in sorrow, and changed the channel, whispering a prayer for our lost souls.
The sign was ripped from Patrice's grip, and thrown into a burning pile, where I also spotted Catcher in the Rye and the cursed witchcraft series of Harry Potter. No place in the world for garbage like that.
Well to make a long story long, Patrice and I escaped with our lives and still managed to get a little TV time. Well, at least she did.
And Corso was still just a helmet's throw away.